"Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn." --Albert Einstein
Nicole, MD
Monday, March 31, 2008
"I need a hero"
Our professor told us some interesting facts, for example, if humans didn't have lungs and we had to absorb all of our oxygen via our skin, than we could only be 1mm thick (1 mm = 0.039 inch). All of the branching in our lungs (due to the bronchials and aveoli), is 90 square meters or the same size as a tennis court . Isn't that amazing?
Epilogue--April 3, 2008
I saw Dr. MD/PhD in respiratory physiology SMOKING on April 1st. I thought it was an April Fool's Day joke; but, apparently, it wasn't. I guess everyone has their vices. I'm just surprised that a respiratory physiologist (and I think he is a pulmonologist) is a smoker. Then again, if I'm stressed out, I suspect getting an MD/PhD is enough to drive you nutty. Maybe he needed a good smoke during school and is now addicted--not my place to judge, but geeze its funny.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Medical School is like a bumpy, winding Dominican road...
The concepts are not the hardest part of medical school. It is the volume of information. Before starting medical school, I heard that it is like trying to take a drink of water from a fire hydrant, and I think that describes it very well. There is just so much information. It would be nice to have more hours in the day to relax and enjoy learning the information. Sometimes there is so much to do, that learning is a rush, "I've only got six hours before bed and I have to review five hours of class, go to lab and preview the lectures for tomorrow--eek!" The rush to learn isn't fun but the learning and information (for the most part) is interesting and fun.
I've known this for a while, but despite all the things I'm learning: I'm really no help to anyone yet! I just don't know enough--yet. I can tell you about normal cardiac function; however, if you have anything abnormal--you better look elsewhere because I don't know much about fixing problems, yet. I can diagnose people on t.v. medical shows (we are studying embryology and there is always a premature baby being born on t.v.), but I don't really know what a physician would do to help heal the person--yet.
The best way I can describe medical school to you is like a bumpy, winding Dominican road. You don't know what is coming around the next bend (literally there are many, many blind turns on the island roads) and there are ups and down. It isn't easy, which I knew, but I don't want to be anywhere else but in medical school.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A taste of practical medicine
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Caribbean Sunsets!
The second picture is from when the sun dived behind the clouds close to the sea. A small portion of the sky line lit on fire. It is strange how just beyond the sun setting area of the ocean, the rest of the rest of the sky looked like the normal sea sky blue (I'll show you in a later picture.)
In this picture, you can see the sun shooting out from behind the clouds and the sky is really on fire. I zoomed into the sun set area, but it really was only red in this one relatively small spot on the horizon. Being on the sea, we can really see sun set. It truly looks like the sun is diving into the sea.
Finally, I'll show you that most of the sky line wasn't this gorgeous pink. It was a crazy sunset--usually the whole horizon changes colors, but yesterday there was this spot of color and just a little bit of color across the rest of the horizon.
It is a good thing we went to the beach last night, apparently a storm is coming in today and there will be 15 foot waves. I'll have to watch from my balcony, but the school warned us not to go into the water as it will be very dangerous (the school even said if you are an experienced surfer DO NOT go into the water). Should be interesting (as long as there isn't a tsunami!!).
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Pay Back STINKS!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
"What a lovely day to have a slice of humble pie"
I can't get Lesh Nyhan Syndrome out of my head. For those of you who don't know, Lesh Nyhan is a TERRIBLE disease. It is a congenital defect of purine metabolism with the clinical symptoms of gout and central nervous disorders. Specifically it is characterized by mental retardation, self-mutilation of the fingers and lips by biting, impaired renal function, and abnormal physical development (predominately in young boys). We haven't even talked about metabolism this semester (I believe we do it next semester in more detail than I had last semester) so I'm not sure why Lesh-Nyhan Syndrome is on my mind. For some reason, Lesh Nyhan is in every medical review book and I hear is often on the boards----as a wrong answer choice (probably because it is very rare). Nine times out of ten, if you see Lesh Nyhan Syndrome, it's the wrong answer choice.
When I say my prayers at night, I'm ever so thankful that I don't have any major health problems. Since starting medical school, I'm more shocked every day that we have healthy people. There are so many things that can and do go wrong. It almost seems like a healthy person should be the exception considering how many things must work out.
Speaking of prayers, I've got a big exam--I better get back to the books.