"Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn." --Albert Einstein
Nicole, MD
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Back to memorizing pathology and pharmacology! I've got to finish the Argentina posts or I'll forget what happened there!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
belated posts....
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Saturday--A City Tour and a few hundred pictures!
Next we ended up at May Square (it had a different name, but it was for a political movement that occurred in May) and it is located right near the Casa Rosa (the Pink House) or the place where the Present does his work. It looked a bit like the White House, and it sounded like the equivalent of the White House, except that the President does not live in Casa Rosa. Rather he lives 10 Km away and FLYS via helicopter to the Casa Rosa every day. Here are some pictures of the square and Casa Rosa. Argentina has LOTS of statues so there are many in the area.
After finishing up in La Boca, we headed back toward the pier then we were dropped off by the Galerias Pacifico. We decided to walk past the mall (in the opposite direction of the hotel) and headed toward a park. Buneos Aires was beautiful, in large part, because of so many little parks. Here are some pictures. First where the pedestrian street ends (you cross a street and your in the park)
We wandered around the pedestrians streets for the next few hours. We took a few more pictures on Avenida 9 De Julio---remember, this is the BIG 14 lane wide avenue and it is where the Oblelisk. The Oblelisk looks a lot like the Washington Monument (see it behind Farley's head in the first picture).
Later that night, about 10:30, we headed out for Steak dinner. It was pretty good. In fact, it was Farley's favorite. We had an amazing wine, which we tried to get shipped home for Christmas presents but we couldn't find a way to send any home without having to pay an enormous amount. We went back to the Oblelisk to take a few night shots of the street.
Monday, September 8, 2008
A Friday in Buneos Aires
Above: the ceiling of the basement. Doesn't it look like a church?
The fountain on the basement of the "mall."
We had such a great time!!! After exploring the mall, we walked around the streets looking into little mom and pop shops (on the search for shoes and handbags...oh and ties, can you guess who those were for??) I found the cutest little wedge, brown round toe shoes and I got a great bargain! I wasn't intending on buying shoes in Buneos Aires, but I had a pair of cheap brown heals for our introduction to clinical medicine (we have to dress up) and I wore them one day and managed to get enormous blisters and couldn't walk in them (or any other shoe) comfortably for over a week.
Above: The restaurant has their own wine and it was yummy!
Below: The ceiling was really pretty with the stained glass
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I close my eyes and I'm back, back in Argentina....
By mid-afternoon we were back on the streets and the streets were alive. First we walked to the right of our hotel, which in about six blocks led to the pier. There were tons of restaurants, boats, historic monuments, and the beautiful bridge below. I'm not sure of the name of it, but it is very famous. There were people all over and this is when Farley and I first realized that Buneos Aires is a city of lovers. They were all over holding hands, embracing, kissing....not just the young teenagers but lovers of all ages. I'm sure it's just a cultural difference, but it was a bit surprising at first to see two grandparents embracing like teenagers on the street corner.