Saturday, January 30, 2010

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley

This month was not at all as I planned. I was suppose to have a minor surgery, which turned into a major surgery. I was so lucky that everything ended up being benign and I will be back on my feet and moving closer to finishing my doctorate in no time; however, the last month has been very trying.

My surgery was suppose to be outpatient, but since it turned into a major surgery I had to stay for about three and a half days in the hospital. I was really lucky in that I had a room to my self and my Mom was able to get off work and stay with me. They even brought in a cot for her, which she said was shockingly comfortable. I think I was in a remodeled room--there were beautiful hardwood floors, blueish/purple paint on the wall and a full (very nice) bathroom.

As a medical student, it was interesting to experience how suddenly and unexpectedly one can become a patient, who is so dependent on others to help with everyday needs. Because of my surgery, I could barely sit up for the first week or two. I felt like a baby who was rapidly going back through development milestones. Despite my complaining, I am recovering and I will be okay. Many others are not as lucky as I have been, even with my unexpected more invasive surgery.

I was so lucky to have my family and friends come and visit me, call to check up on me, and to my shock to send me flowers. I didn't realize how much flowers would brighten my days. I was surprised that I had three bouquets sent to me while in the hospital and one house plant arrived the day after I got home (see picture at the top of the post). I was even more shocked that I got two more bouquets the week after my surgery. I have had beautiful flowers for a month! I didn't know flowers could last so long.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year: 2010!

New Year's Day was a lazy day, which was so nice. I got up super late, 11:00am, because I was up so late on New Year's Eve. I didn't think I would work out, but I managed to do a 45 minute work out, so I was pleased with myself. Then I made home made focaccia bread, homemade lasagna, zucchini with carrots, and green beans. New Year's Eve I made a pretzel salad for desert on New Year's Day, which is one of my Dad's favorite deserts. My friend, Rachel, came over to have wine and dinner. It was so much fun to have her over and be able to hang out. She is always so much fun, so it was nice to have her over. Here is a picture of Rachel and I at the end of the evening.