Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Views of Dominica that I have MOST of the time.

I thought you'd all like to see a picture of my books. Not too bad for this semester. Now, some of them are review books, like First Aid, but most of them are my test books. I'm sure you are jealous. However, my book store sized collection of text books shouldn't be what makes you jealous, it is my white erase board and my book stand.

As you maybe able to tell, these two tables are right next to one another. Some of my most important tools are one this table: my dry erase board, book stand, and COFFEE MAKER. Note the coffee maker is within reach at all times. I suspect that you are wondering what I've written on my white erase board. Luckily for you, during my study break, I was camera happy.

That's right. These are the clotting factors. Did you ever wonder how the amazing connective tissue, better known as blood, makes a clot and how it degrades the clot. You could study my color coordinated white erase board then you can listen to my super notes.

If you look closely in the background of the previous two pictures (I know it is difficult to pry your eyes away from my ever so interesting books), but my balcony is behind the wooden slate windows. Yes, having a studio apartment makes things easier (yet, I still manage to scare myself at night on occasion despite Farley is next door, I live on the 3rd floor AND there is 24 hour security--sometimes I sleep with my maglight....). Anyway, there is a beautiful view, but you can't see it when your nose is buried in a book.

I usually have my meals on my balcony looking at the BEAUTIFUL ocean. However, the cows sometimes get in the way. I don't live on Moo Cow Lane but sometimes, there are cows outside my apartment. That's right, I live in a village, without even a stop sign nor street names...Moo Cow Land and Banana Tail...NO STREET NAMES. At any rate, the cows eye ball you when you walk by them, they are loud, and they run shockingly fast. Oh, and never ever say to a cow when walking by, "Good morning Betsy, how are you?" They tend to turn around (in a 180 degree turn) faster than you can blink an eye, move toward the street and look around. I think she wanted to say hello back to me, but the people behind me on the sidewalk, were not so amused (they looked pretty scared...cows are BIG animals). I haven't gotten a good picture of the cows from my apartment since they aren't around THAT much, but they were in the field that is in front of my favorite study area. Here is a pictures of my favorite bovine from my apartment (in front of my favorite study area).

I realize that it is still cold up north, so I decided to throw in another picture of the sea from the Sea side deck at school. I know, most schools don't have sea side decks (it is the upper deck, we have a lower deck too).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole, I don't know how you get any studying done with that view, even with the cows. It looks like you and Farley are having fun and you do deserve a night out now and then. Keep up the good work. Val
