Thursday, August 13, 2009

I finished the semester last Friday and promptly came home to nap! I couldn't sleep a wink Thursday night, which is unusual for me. After a good three hour nap, I was back to being semi-human again. Farley's 13-year old brother was in town, so we headed to Farley's grandparent's house for a lovely dinner and to pick up his brother for a weekend of fun. One of Farley's cousins was in town, so I got to meet her (which was very fun). As usual, Farley's grandma made a lovely dinner and we had wonderful conversation. About 11:00 we left his grandparents headed back to South Miami. The boy's decided that we should go "shoot zombies" at GameWorks. I was so tired that I probably looked like a zombie, so we decided to head to the apartment about 12:30 or so. Here is a picture of Sunset mall with GameWorks in the background. Saturday morning, we went down to the pool. This is only the second time Farley and I have been able to go to the beautiful pool that is in our building. It was a beautiful Miami day and we found some seats in the sun (well one of us opted for the shade). We read books for a few hours and hopped in the pool. In true Miami fashion, the pool was almost as warm as a bath tub!

After the pool, we headed to the gym. The air conditioning was out in the gym and it was so unbelievably hot! We managed to solder through our work outs, changed and headed to Target and back to Sunset Mall. We wandered around the mall window shopping for a while, then headed to Barns & Noble to pick up Farley's brother a book. Farley wanted to go to Dan Marino's Fine Food and Spirits so we headed to dinner. Dan Marino's isn't my favorite place to eat, but it was okay (I think the bar is better than the kitchen). After dinner, we needed to head back to GameWorks for another riveting round of "zombie killing." It was really busy so we left fairly quickly, which was probably for the best anyway as we needed to be up early to get across town to Farley's Grandparents house so we would make it to church on time.

Sunday morning, we were all up bright and early to get into our Sunday Bests and headed to Farley's Grandparent's house. We met up with the family and headed down to church. Farley's Grandparents attend an AME, African Methodist Episcopal Church. It was a very warm and inviting church, but definitely different than my upbringing in the Catholic Church. After the service was finished, we headed back to Farley's grandparent's house for brunch. Farley has a lot of cousins in Miami and I was able to meet more of them during this brunch, which was fun. After that, we headed home changed into shorts (much to Farley's dismay as he LOVES to wear ties) and headed to Dadeland Mall. It is a fairly good sized mall near our apartment and we thought it'd be fun for Farley's brother to see somewhere different. After going to the mall, we decided to rent a movie because between Farley and his brother, they had seen just about everything that was in the movie theaters (and NOT rated R that is since Farley's brother is only 13 years old!). The guys decided to rent Push which was better than I anticipated.
Monday, the guys decided to sleep in. At 11:00 I decided to get them up so we could have a big breakfast before heading to South Beach. We finally managed to get there about 1:15. We drove around so Farley's brother could see the art deco architecture. We parked at 16th street and Washington (about two blocks from the beach) then found a clear spot to enjoy the beach at about 15th street. Here are some pictures:

After we finished on the beach, we headed to Rocky's for Italian Ice. It is a famous Italian Ice place and I've been looking forward to going for months. Unfortunately: It was closed for remodeling. So we walked up and down Ocean Avenue for a while searching before going to get smoothies and heading home. Farley took a few pictures while I was driving of downtown Miami.

After the beach, we headed to (guess where) THE GYM! I know, it is always a good time. We were all pretty tired, so we watched Yes Man! which was funnier than I expected! The guys did some laundry and we headed to bed.

Tuesday morning we had to take Farley's brother back to his Grandparent's house before we had our review course for the Step at 3:00pm. We had the course every day for 10 days from 1:00 pm until 9:00pm! But the professor is amazing so it is worth the long crazy hours.

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