Sunday, April 11, 2010

Suture Kit

Dr. Hardcore sent us home with expired sutures and suture kits so we could practice suturing. I asked him if we should get pig's feet, as they are often used to practice stitching, but he said there is no need because the difficult part about stitching is using the needle holders and hemostats. He suggested we stitch up anything we have around the house, such as old towels. Here are a few pictures:

Above: Here is the equipment which we are suppose to practice with. Obviously, we need a lot of practice---look at all of that stuff!

Below: If you ever see a medical student coming toward you with a needle that looks like this, run. I would!

I am glad that Farley and I took the opportunity to learn how to suture on the island during the suture clinics. On the island, it was a fun study break and now it is really helping. I cannot remember everything I learned about stitching in my first and second years of medical school; however, it isn't completely foreign to me. I am picking it up much faster now. Before I know it, I will get to help close up a surgical patient!

1 comment:

  1. It is undeniable that suture kit helps a lot to learn and practice about stitching.
