I can't believe how quickly my last rotation went. I started pediatrics on December 6th and ended on January 14th. I, like many students before me, was sick the entire six week rotation. Every child with a virus was kind enough to share it with me! Farley and I were very busy during this rotation because of the holidays. It was the first time that we had been away from our families for the holidays and it was difficult, but at least we had each other.
Right after Thanksgiving, Farley and I went down to Macy's to see the Christmas Windows. I know that the picture isn't the greatest, but here are a few of the "Miracle on 34th Street" windows at Macy's.
A couple weeks after going to Macy's to look at windows, we decided to go to 5th ave and look at the windows there. We got off the subway near Central Park West and took a picture of the park:
This is the famous Plaza Hotel on 5th Ave. I don't think the picture does the hotel justice. It was beautifully decorated for Christmas.
These are some windows from Bergdorf Goodman:

We looked at the windows at many of the other famous department stores on 5th Ave, but I couldn't get pictures of the windows because there were so many people in front of them. Also, some of the stores had lines to wait in to look at the windows, but the lines were at least a block long (most were longer) and we didn't want to wait that long.
The next pictures is a snow flake decoration on 5th Ave between the skyscrapers.
Some decorations on the storefronts!

This is Cartier's and it is my favorite decorated store that we saw! I love the lighted bow.
I insisted that we go into St. Patrick's Cathedral so I could see the Christmas decorations.
Here is a close up of the alter and the Advent wreath.
This is the manger in St. Patrick's and because it was before Christmas, Jesus isn't there yet.
We were standing near 5th Ave looking toward Rockefeller Center.

We were closer to the ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center. It was so busy!

I think that the toy solders are very cute at Rockefeller Center:

Swarovski crystal make the tree topper at Rockefeller Center and they made two toppers: one on the tree and one that you can look at. It is so tall!

We walked all the way from 57th ave to 34th and over to Bryant Park. They had great shops in Bryant Park. Farley and I did some Christmas shopping there and here is a picture of the Christmas Tree at the Park, near the ice skating rink.
We decorated a little at our little apartment. I took this picture a few weeks before Christmas. By Christmas, we had more presents and cards that filled up our unconventional Christmas Decorations/Entertainment Center.
We had one heck of a tree!
Our lovely stockings!

On Christmas Eve, Farley and I decided to go into Manhattan and walk around. We also rented movies and I made lasagna. It was yummy! We had a great time watching movies and we watched Midnight Mass from the Vatican. Mom and I always watch Midnight Mass, so it was nice that Farley watched with him even though he isn't Catholic. My family always opens presents late on Christmas Eve (we usually finish right before Midnight Mass). so it was strange to me to open presents on Christmas Day. We had a nice brunch after opening presents and talking to our families. Then we watched another movie and we had steak for dinner (because prime rib was just too expensive and the cuts of meat were too big for just the two of us). The Blizzard hit NYC on the 26th. There was about two feet of snow and much of the city was shut down for days. I managed to get to the hospital for my pediatric ER shifts because the two trains I needed were running with delays. Others, however, were not so lucky. It was a mess. They didn't pick up garbage for almost two weeks (I think they pick up 5 days a week at our complex). There were stacks of garbage about 3-4 feet high, but at least it was cold out and it wasn't stinky. They managed to clean up Times Square for New Years Eve and Farley and I decided to go down for an hour just to have seen it. I am glad we went, but it was cold. You are corralled so that the police can search everyone and keep control. You can't leave your spot once you get it or you loose it and you may have to go through security again. We couldn't even see the ball, which is all I wanted to see, but it is okay. Here are some pictures:

We walked up to 57th near Central Park to catch the train. I took a few picture of the buildings near Central Park (the first is a picture of the CNN building, but I moved and it is blurry), the second is of the park.
I was sad not to be at home with my family for Christmas, but Farley and I had a great time. I am glad that we had each other. I was disappointed with pediatrics rotation, but I still think I want to become a pediatrician. There were so many students at the hospital where I did my pediatrics core rotation and I think that the doctors didn't have enough time to teach us as much as I was hoping for. Also, the hospital did not have a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), so any really sick child had to be transferred to another hospital. I don't want to sound cold, because I don't like seeing any sick children, but I want to learn and being exposed to really sick children is one way that medical professionals learn about pediatrics. I am doing a pediatric infectious disease rotation in February and I am looking forward to working with more children and being in a PICU.
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