After class, Farley and I decided to go down to our local black sand beach and do some yoga at sunset. It was a beautiful sunset with amazing clouds distorting the colors. The sun really looked like a ball of fire yesterday. I took probably 50 pictures, so I'll share a few with you. As I took the pictures, you can watch the sun set. If you really like my sunset pictures, I can email more to you (but it might make you jealous that you don't live 50 feet from the Caribbean Sea).
The above picture was from right after we finished the yoga. It was so beautiful and there were several sail boats in the bay.
The second picture is from when the sun dived behind the clouds close to the sea. A small portion of the sky line lit on fire. It is strange how just beyond the sun setting area of the ocean, the rest of the rest of the sky looked like the normal sea sky blue (I'll show you in a later picture.)
In this picture, you can see the sun shooting out from behind the clouds and the sky is really on fire. I zoomed into the sun set area, but it really was only red in this one relatively small spot on the horizon. Being on the sea, we can really see sun set. It truly looks like the sun is diving into the sea.
After the sun dove into the sea, the clouds maintained their pink/orange color and the sail boats continued to mosey around the bay.
Finally, I'll show you that most of the sky line wasn't this gorgeous pink. It was a crazy sunset--usually the whole horizon changes colors, but yesterday there was this spot of color and just a little bit of color across the rest of the horizon.
Thank you to everyone who sends me emails and comments on my blog. I'm sorry if I don't have time to write back to you quickly. The time is so different down here--I feel like I'm in a time warp: hours go quickly, days are long but weeks are short and months are even shorter. It is so wonderful to hear from all of you; it makes me feel like I'm not so isolated on this island half way around the world from my friends and family. I hope everything is going well up north. I hear that is is getting warmer--42
degrees (which is probably 20 or 30
degrees cooler than the water of the Caribbean Sea).
It is a good thing we went to the beach last night, apparently a storm is coming in today and there will be 15 foot waves. I'll have to watch from my balcony, but the school warned us not to go into the water as it will be very dangerous (the school even said if you are an experienced surfer DO NOT go into the water). Should be interesting (as long as there isn't a tsunami!!).
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