Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finally, I'll finish my Argentine tale.....

On Sunday, Farley and I decided to go to Argentina's National Museum of Art. It wasn't as amazing as the National Gallery of Art in D.C., but it was still large and fun. There were Picasso, Monet, and even Rodin (a very famous scalper). We even saw Rodin's the kiss which was so much larger than I would have guessed. The lovers int he sculpture were life sized. WOW. We had a great time at the museum and saw some beautiful art, but couldn't take pictures in the museum. However, I have some pictures of the museum:
Here is handsome Farley on the roof of the museum:
Oh and one thing that I found very strange was the soap in the bathrooms. They had a bar of soap on this metal arm rather than liquid soap. When I first walked into the bathroom, I had no idea what it was. Farley said that the soap in the men's room was blue.

The museum is in the same area as the flower that we saw on the city tour. We went to that park and took a few more pictures of the flowers.
Tango is everywhere, here is an advertisement on the walk way into the park with the flower. The art museum is actually just across the street.

To get to the park from the art museum, you cross over this big walking only bridge. Here is a picture from the bridge looking toward the downtown area.

Going the opposite direction from the museum, there was another park with a weekend farmer's market and crafts fair. It was fun to go to these parks on a Sunday because there were so many locals out and about. It was a very busy day, in part because there had been a road race earlier in the morning. Here is a picture from the other area and some of the beautiful architecture:

After returning to the area around the hotel, we wandered around and ended up at another mall. I have no idea where it was but there was a beautiful ceiling with mirrors all around. Here is a great picture that Farley took:

Later Sunday night, we went to see "The Dark Night." I didn't really like it too much because it was too violent for my taste, but Farley loved it. I did enjoy the movie theater. It was tall and steep--Farley said it was like the theaters in NYC. We bought the tickets for the movie on one block then had to go down two blocks to get to the theater. They had four or five screens at three different locations down the block. I thought it had been two or three different theaters before we went to the movie. After the movie, we went to dinner and it was okay. It wasn't our best of the trip but it was still good.

On Monday, we decided to take it easy and enjoy the neighborhood. We both decided to do some Christmas shopping and I had to buy a purse....I just couldn't leave the great country of Argentina without buying a leather purse! We had such a great day. I don't have too many pictures of the day, but here are some pictures from dinner:

Here is handsome Farley in his new Argentine tie. I got to help him pick it out

Here I am:

This was Farley's favorite restaurant and part of the reason we returned was because we LOVED the wine we had there. In case you run into any Argentine wines, look out for this one. It was fantastic:

One last picture of the outside of the restaurant. The decor alone was one of the reasons we had to go to this place in the first place, but the food and wine made us come back:

We left about noon on Tuesday morning, despite wanting to say for another few weeks. We landed in San Juan late Tuesday night then did some shopping and shipped supplies back to the Dominica. We did NOT have a good experience in San Juan and couldn't wait to leave the island. I never been anywhere that the locals, as a group, have been so rude and mean. I'm sure that not everyone on this beautiful island was being accurately represented by the cohort we met, but geeze, I sure don't want to go on vacation there.


  1. WTF??? it's like soap-on-a-rope, but not?!? You could play a really great trick and confuse them by placing a bunch of colored Easter eggs on the counter....what can I say, I am easily entertained.

    Congrat's on year #2 Dr Baca :)

  2. I'm glad that someone else found the soap as interesting as I did. Farley made fun of me for taking two pictures of the soap (to ensure I had a good view for the blog). See you in December!
