Tuesday was such an exciting night. We went down to the election party at our beach side bar and restaurant. It was fun to hear people yelling and dancing as the election returns came in. The funny thing was that at least half of the people there were not even Americans, but they were as loud as the Americans!! There were students from Canada, Africa and the Caribbean as well as professors from all over Europe, the Caribbean, Canada, Africa, and the Middle East (I didn't see our Chinese Histology professor, but her children are very little, otherwise I'm sure she'd have been there too--she is too fun to miss a party). Anyway, Farley and I returned home to watch the end of the returns and the speeches. Wasn't it amazing? We lived a moment in history! In 50 years, we will tell people where we were when President Obama was elected!!! I was also pleasantly surprised with Senator McCain's gracious speech. Overall it was an amazing night. Wednesday when we were at Nelson's Chicken (best chicken on the island) getting our yummy lunches, Nelson told Farley and I that he heard people in the streets at 2:00am and thought it was the students celebrating. However, it wasn't. It was the locals. It would have been unbelievable to be in Chicago or D.C.; however, to be outside of the U.S. on this monumental night and to see the people of the world cheering was, well breathtaking.
Here is my favorite political cartoon posted on Slate Magazine today (it is probably my favorite online magazine). You should check out all of the cartoons--I don't think I've ever seen so many uplifting and positive political cartoons. They will make you smile.
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