Sunday, September 25, 2011

Vermont/New Hampshire

My dear friend Mary got married this summer and luckily for me, it was after our boards so we could go.  We had to take a bus from Grand Central Station the morning of the wedding to New Hampshire.  I have never taken a bus before and I was surprised at how nice it was.  Farley told me that this was not a typical bus ride--there were movies, Internet, leather seats, snacks and drinks.  I don't like riding in buses much, but if I had to go on a bus this was the way to go!  Due to our rotations, we couldn't leave until Saturday morning.  We missed the rehearsal dinner, which apparently was amazing.  I guess Mary's mother-in-law is famous locally for baking goats underground.  They had goat and Mary's Dad made Gumbo (her family is originally from the south).  There was dancing, wine and great food, but we missed it.  Anyway, we had to leave the morning of the wedding and dressed in our wedding attire on the bus.  We were told it would be easy to catch a cab, so our plan was to drop our stuff off at our hotel, clean up and go to the wedding---we were told wrong.  There is ONE cab in this town.  Needless to say, we couldn't catch a cab.  Luckily the bus dropped us about 4 blocks from the church, so we just went directly there and took our bags with us.  

The wedding was lovely and Mary and Jakob were so obviously happy.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a great view to take pictures of the wedding.  After the wedding, we met up with everyone and had a chance to talk to Mary.  Her sister put us in contact with her uncle, who had extra room in his car and was staying at the same hotel.  We caught a ride with them back to the hotel and to the reception a few hours later.  

Farley and me in the hotel 
 They had the reception at Jakob's childhood home.  This home was out in the Vermont woods a bit.  They have a wildflower meadow with streams that turns into woods in the back yard.  They set up a giant tent and had a wonderful dinner with candle light and flowers everywhere.  I finally started running into people that I knew at the reception.  It was so much fun.  To my surprise, we were seated at the Bride and Groom's table, which was about the only chance that I had to talk to Mary and Jakob.  I am so grateful that we were seated there.  After dinner, we danced and danced.  It was so much fun!  Here are some pictures from the reception.  I didn't get many good pictures, but here are the best I have.

In front of the wildflower field.

Mary and Jakob listening to the speeches

My only picture with Mary!  You cant see the dress very well, but it fit her like a glove.  She looked amazing.
We had to leave at 9:00am Sunday morning to get to back to New York on time for the hospital on Monday.  I was sad we had to leave so early as there was a bagel breakfast, which would have been fun to go to.  Mary's uncle was our hero and dropped us off at Dartmouth University, where we had to pick up the bus for New York.  We were back in New York by the afternoon on Sunday, which gave us enough time to go to the gym, cook and get ready for the week.  The only regret I have is that we couldn't spend more time in Vermont and New Hampshire at this fun wedding.

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