Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cardiology isn’t for me and neither are the Miami mosquitoes!

This week we started cardiology in most of our classes: physiology, anatomy, clinical medicine, and histology. It has been nice to have the overlap, but I don’t think that I will become a cardiologist. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t underestimate the importance of the heart, but I really am not a huge fan of physics and circuits. If I liked circuits, I would have become an electrician! I am a little intimidated by cardiology because it is an area of medicine that I have no prior experience or knowledge in. I spent a good chunk of the evening studying the cardiac cycle and pressure-volume loops and it is starting to become more intuitive.

I think that I am still adapting to Miami. There are just some strange things that happen down here. For example, every washer and dryer I’ve seen has been outside on the back porch. I guess it makes sense since they release so much heat and it is already hotter than heck in Miami (also there aren’t any basements down here). In our complex, the washers and dryers are in little closet sized rooms that are below the staircases. Today, I was smart enough to think to put on insect repellant BEFORE doing laundry. I didn’t get a single bit while moving my laundry, which is amazing. I never thought I'd have to put insect repallant on before doing laundry.

The mosquitoes down here must be a different species than up north. They are black with white stripes; I’m not sure if that means anything, but perhaps I will check out my books to see if it is indicative of mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus. At any rate, these mosquitoes are almost as aggressive as the men in Miami! For example, I stood outside talking to a friend for 15 minutes two weeks ago and I had about 35 bites on my legs. These bites are so intense and so fierce that I still have residual marks on my legs. It’s been a while since I’ve been attacked my mosquitoes at home (as they don’t allow mosquitoes into the Davenport Hotel nor into Nordstrom), but I swear that these mosquitoes leave a much itchier mark. I’ve even woken up in the middle of the night itching my leg. I don’t ever remember doing that at home!

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