Monday, August 20, 2007

Insects and Leo the Lizard!

Well it was another exciting weekend in Miami…or not so exciting: I am a medical student! I stayed home most of the weekend and studied, which in my opinion is pretty exciting! I did go to a friend’s house on Saturday night and watched “Bourne Identity” and “Bourne Supremacy.” Something came over me when I got home; maybe it was all the testosterone in the movies, but I no longer feared the insects and turned into an insect a killing machine. Perhaps, I’m making myself sound too courageous, as I wasn’t brave enough to kill them with a shoe, I used raid as my weapon of choice. I probably should say that I only killed a couple red and biting ants, but that is impressive for me. So far I’ve been lucky to have only seen one cockroach and two centipedes in our apartment and my roommate with her supreme bravery has killed them all. The fact that each time an insect has enters our apartment my sympathetic nervous system kicks in (which is responsible for “flight or flight”) and I levitate out of the room and end up on a stool in the kitchen probably has made her realize that I’m not helpful when it comes to killing insects. It should be no surprise that we have several male friends on speed dial in case an extra large insect enters the house. For those of you who don’t know, the cockroaches in Florida will FLY toward you when you try to kill them; it really does takes unparalleled bravery to face one of these fierce creatures.

As many of you know, I really hate anything that is creepy and crawls, such as lizards. However, upon moving to Miami, I’ve decided my hatred of insects far outweighs my hatred of lizards. Therefore, I’ve made an alliance with a gecko that I like to call “Leo the Lizard.” I figure as long as he doesn’t crawl on me, he can live in our apartment. I think he is REALLY afraid of humans because I see the fear in his eyes every time our paths cross. I hope that he doesn’t get too scared because lizards are known for dropping their tails when they get scared—that would gross me out!!

Classes are going well. We learned about disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) today in biochemistry. DIC is a life threatening condition that causes excessive clotting (thrombosis) or bleeding (hemorrhage) throughout the body and can lead to shock, organ failure, and death. I think that I was one of the few people in class who had previous knowledge of DIC. Our biochemistry professor has a Doctorate of the Arts and is a lab rat. He was discussing the treatments for DIC and made it sound like a somewhat treatable disease, but from what I know about it; it really isn’t curable. It was exciting to learn about something that I saw while working in the hospital!

Well, I have a quiz in clinical medicine tomorrow so I better get back to the books! Goodnight!!

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