"Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn." --Albert Einstein
Nicole, MD
Friday, October 31, 2008
I'm not alone!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Medical School is so cool
Come Tuesday, it's time for exams, elections and events!
Obviously, the election is on Tuesday as well. Every time I turn on CNN it says something like"6 days, 5 hours, 12.6 minute until the close of the polls" and that sure weirds me out. It's like a giant banner reminding me of my upcoming exam. As if I need reminding: I had 30 anticancer drugs to learn (than goodness I worked on oncology) and that is just 2 hours worth of lectures! I don't need to be reminded that I need to study. On another note, if you haven't voted yet, you should. I found time to read my voter's pamphlet, vote and mail in my ballot last week so I know everyone else can find time. I often don't even have time to go to the grocery store or gym on a regular basis because I have to study and review so much (Don't worry Mom, I have a stockpile of Costco products....no one is going hungry).
Most exciting, the EVENTS. Dominica is having their 30th anniversary of Independence (from Britain). These Dominicans KNOW how to party. They basically shut down the island from Friday until next Wednesday. Yea, you read correctly: FRIDAY (10/31) UNTIL WEDNESDAY (11/4)! They do NOT mess around when it is time to party it up and "jump up". I'm a bit bummed out that we can't go to the World Creole Festival (Sean Paul is the headliner) in Roseau, which is about 20 miles from us (and an hour drive). I'm also bummed out that they are going to be partying when we need to sleep, eat and study all weekend. The bars/clubs in the next town over (1.5 miles away) have the music so loud on normal days (I think it also amplifies across the bay) that it keeps me from falling asleep with my windows closed, air conditioner on and ear plugs in! However, I'm excited that we get an extra day to study for the exam (our exams are always on Monday, but the actual independence day is Nov. 3rd so school is closed). After we finish our super, fun exam, we Americans will get our own little party. The US Embassy/Ross University School of Medicine is throwing an election party for the students. I know you are jealous. We get to sit at our local beach side bar and grill (literally one step to black sands and the Caribbean Sea) and watch the election results come in.
Exams, elections and events....a very busy week!
Monday, October 27, 2008
I'm Finally Coming HOME!!!
Besides being unable to get flights off the island easily (we started working on this in JUNE) the most astounding thing is that the flights are so expensive. For example, Farley and I could have gone to Paris or Rome for two weeks (air and hotel but excluding food) for cheaper than it cost me to get home. That is crazy! It is a good thing we didn't look into that before we booked our flights home because ....well, that is how we ended up in Argentina. I'm so excited to get to see everyone, but I will sure miss my Farley. Farley and I haven't been apart for more than 8-12 hours since last December; it is going to be strange not to see him for three weeks!
Friday, October 24, 2008
No More Walks on the beach for a while....
Monday, October 20, 2008
I Learn Something New Every Day....
Friday, October 17, 2008
Dominica: The Original Maverick Country
View from the top of the apartment complex. Usually the Caribbean Sea near our apartment is as calm as a lake, almost like bath water. However, as you can see, it wasn't calm at all today. I know there are places where the waves get very large on a daily basis, but considering how calm it usually is, this was big. At this point, the storm wasn't as bad; you can now see the Cabrits again.
Here is our sturdy dock. Now, the end has already been destroyed in a previous storm (before we arrived in Dominica), but there was an entire section that broke away (the missing section that is closest to the shore). I watched it floating in the sea about 300 feet down the beach from the dock.
I'm not sure if you can see this well, but there were multiple colors in the sea. The brown color toward the shore, a teal color, then a dark blue, then teal again and finally dark blue again. I think the teal and blue is due to the depth of the water, but I'm not sure. I do know it was really strange looking because it was so clear yesterday and it usually isn't this defined.
Unfortunately, the waves were still very loud last night and I didn't sleep too great. Fortunately, closer to day break the waves seemed to be quieting down, but then it was time to wake up for school. I suppose I can catch up my beauty sleep this weekend. As usual, when there is a lot of rain, the water is brown (similar to the water seen above in the little flood). Apparently, these are the worst waves they have had in Dominica since a big hurricane in the 1980s, so they didn't want people on the beach or even out and about. However, I'm still not sure why they shut down the school and country during the worst part of the storm and had 1,600 students walking home; but heck that's what mavericks do. Mavericks don't follow convention....they wouldn't be mavericky if they did!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Chased by a cow...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Yea! I'm a second year medical student!!
I REALLY feel like I'm starting to think like a physician. I've wanted to be an oncologist since I was six years old and grandma died, so I can't express how exciting this is for me. I can really see myself as a physician....it's not just a dream anymore, it's becoming reality.
Finally, I'll finish my Argentine tale.....
To get to the park from the art museum, you cross over this big walking only bridge. Here is a picture from the bridge looking toward the downtown area.
Going the opposite direction from the museum, there was another park with a weekend farmer's market and crafts fair. It was fun to go to these parks on a Sunday because there were so many locals out and about. It was a very busy day, in part because there had been a road race earlier in the morning. Here is a picture from the other area and some of the beautiful architecture:
After returning to the area around the hotel, we wandered around and ended up at another mall. I have no idea where it was but there was a beautiful ceiling with mirrors all around. Here is a great picture that Farley took:
Later Sunday night, we went to see "The Dark Night." I didn't really like it too much because it was too violent for my taste, but Farley loved it. I did enjoy the movie theater. It was tall and steep--Farley said it was like the theaters in NYC. We bought the tickets for the movie on one block then had to go down two blocks to get to the theater. They had four or five screens at three different locations down the block. I thought it had been two or three different theaters before we went to the movie. After the movie, we went to dinner and it was okay. It wasn't our best of the trip but it was still good.
On Monday, we decided to take it easy and enjoy the neighborhood. We both decided to do some Christmas shopping and I had to buy a purse....I just couldn't leave the great country of Argentina without buying a leather purse! We had such a great day. I don't have too many pictures of the day, but here are some pictures from dinner:
Here is handsome Farley in his new Argentine tie. I got to help him pick it out
Here I am:
This was Farley's favorite restaurant and part of the reason we returned was because we LOVED the wine we had there. In case you run into any Argentine wines, look out for this one. It was fantastic:
One last picture of the outside of the restaurant. The decor alone was one of the reasons we had to go to this place in the first place, but the food and wine made us come back: