Thursday, October 30, 2008

Come Tuesday, it's time for exams, elections and events!

We have our second exam on Tuesday. Yupee. I just wish we could stop having classes so that I could go study. I think that this is one of the worst test information sets we have had for several reasons. (1) Disorganized: we were taught how to treat malaria before we were taught what exactly malaria is.---pharmacology professor thought we had already had the microbiology lecture on malaria and was NOT happy that no one answered her questions about the disease during class. (2) Poor Weather and Illnesses: We have had classes several classes moved to do weather and professors being ill. and (3) Segmented: All of the lectures are well done, but even before the schedule changes, we were scheduled for a lecture on viruses, then one on bacteria, then one on fungi--just really hit and miss --topic to topic. It makes things much harder for the poor student to keep things straight. Nonetheless, it is my job to make sense of it and I will.

Obviously, the election is on Tuesday as well. Every time I turn on CNN it says something like"6 days, 5 hours, 12.6 minute until the close of the polls" and that sure weirds me out. It's like a giant banner reminding me of my upcoming exam. As if I need reminding: I had 30 anticancer drugs to learn (than goodness I worked on oncology) and that is just 2 hours worth of lectures! I don't need to be reminded that I need to study. On another note, if you haven't voted yet, you should. I found time to read my voter's pamphlet, vote and mail in my ballot last week so I know everyone else can find time. I often don't even have time to go to the grocery store or gym on a regular basis because I have to study and review so much (Don't worry Mom, I have a stockpile of Costco one is going hungry).

Most exciting, the EVENTS. Dominica is having their 30th anniversary of Independence (from Britain). These Dominicans KNOW how to party. They basically shut down the island from Friday until next Wednesday. Yea, you read correctly: FRIDAY (10/31) UNTIL WEDNESDAY (11/4)! They do NOT mess around when it is time to party it up and "jump up". I'm a bit bummed out that we can't go to the World Creole Festival (Sean Paul is the headliner) in Roseau, which is about 20 miles from us (and an hour drive). I'm also bummed out that they are going to be partying when we need to sleep, eat and study all weekend. The bars/clubs in the next town over (1.5 miles away) have the music so loud on normal days (I think it also amplifies across the bay) that it keeps me from falling asleep with my windows closed, air conditioner on and ear plugs in! However, I'm excited that we get an extra day to study for the exam (our exams are always on Monday, but the actual independence day is Nov. 3rd so school is closed). After we finish our super, fun exam, we Americans will get our own little party. The US Embassy/Ross University School of Medicine is throwing an election party for the students. I know you are jealous. We get to sit at our local beach side bar and grill (literally one step to black sands and the Caribbean Sea) and watch the election results come in.

Exams, elections and events....a very busy week!

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