Sunday, September 9, 2007

Holy Smokes: Mass was CRAZY!

I went to mass with a few friends today. It is a cute little church with a huge grade school. They seem pretty laid back, especially for Catholics. Since we have a big exam on Thursday, we decided to go to the earlier service. BIG MISTAKE!! It was the special kindergartener’s mass: they did a special progression and sang songs. The music was changed for the younger audience (and by young I mean the kindergartener’s all had younger siblings). I felt like it was a PBS special: “Barney does Mass.” The Father presiding over the mass even got up and danced with the kids while they sang---I mean he and his cane danced! This church generally finished mass in 45 minutes or less (and the extra special mass today only took an hour), but what amazes me about it is the music. I think that it must be the Hispanic influence. They are practically dancing in the aisles and they do some special clapping (they also have coordinated movements to go with the songs while they dance). Let’s just say it was an experience today. I have never heard so many crying children—I couldn’t take it and I want to be a pediatrician! I think that attending mass today confirmed that I couldn’t be a grade school teacher: I’d poke my eyes out with a spoon!

Our big exam is on Thursday. I am feeling okay about it, but I’ve decided I as wrong about pulmonary. I don’t like pulmonary as much as I did at the beginning of the unit. I think I’m going to learn to love high altitude this afternoon! I’ll write more after the exam, when I get a little bit of my life back!

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