Monday, April 6, 2009

Introduction To Clinical Medicine exam--Done; Another lizard

I had my exam this morning. I barely slept last night because I was afraid that I was going to sleep through my alarm or that I set my alarm for 6:50 PM rather than AM. Thus, I double checked my FIVE alarms probably five times and work up every half hour the last three hours I was in bed. Fairly typical for an 8:00am exam, especially since Farley wasn't assigned to take his exam at the same time I was.

When I left the exam, I knew I made at least one mistake in each of the four rooms. I felt really great about the exam when I got home, but when Farley was practicing this afternoon for his exam tomorrow, I kept thinking of more and more things that I should have said and done. Now, I'm not sure how the exam when! This happens every test I take, so I guess I'm right on track. One of the Introduction to Clinical Medicine exam, said that the students who leave the exam worried that they did horrible because they forgot so many things generally do extremely well. I'm hoping that I'm one of those students who do very well after worrying about my performance!!

I went out onto my balcony today and saw another 5-6 inch lizard HANGING UPSIDE DOWN on the ceiling of the balcony! Obviously, I immediately left and grabbed my camera. Here is a picture of the little guy, next to my light outside. I took the picture between my wooden slate windows through the mosquito netting so it is a little blurry.

After getting evidence of this lizard, I headed over to Farley's house. He thought that I needed to get this lizard out of my balcony. We headed back to my house to see if the lizard was still in place. Farley was brave enough to head outside to take a better picture of this lizard. Here is his picture, from a different angle:

Farley tried to encourage him to scurry off by poking him with a broom pole. At this time, the tail fell off again, but this time it didn't flop and the lizard didn't move. He was dead on arrival. Farley managed to knock the carcase onto the lawn then he pushed the lizard onto the lawn.

1 comment:

  1. I think he's trying to tell you if you switch to gieco you could save hundreds on your car insurance ;)

