Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sleeping should revitalize you, not make you feel tuckered out

I am not one of those people who remembers my dreams often, but I had such a vivid dream last night that I woke up more tired than when I went to sleep. I dreamt that I was in Brazil vacationing with Farley. In my dream, I was going to fly to Argentina with some wine experts to get a surprise bottle of wine for Farley. Since I'm a worry wort, I spent much of my dream weighing the pros and cons of going on this wine trip and decided that traveling around South American with wine experts wasn't such a safe idea. Besides this debate, the rest of my Brazilian vacation dream, involved all the stressful, planning parts of traveling and none of the fun. This is especially strange because when I travel I have everything as well planned out as possible to decrease my stress and increase the fun and relaxation. Needless to say, this dream vacation wasn't a fun at all! One is suppose to feel refreshed and revitalized when she wakes up; but I was downright exhausted this morning after that dream. I shouldn't be too surprised; if anyone could stress herself out on an exotic vacation in her sleep, it would be me.

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