Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New beginning

Starting residency, I'm back to being single.  It has been a few months, so I have had time to get used to the idea of being a single gal again and I am excited about my future.  I have found an apartment in Las Vegas and have started coming up with my plans for moving.  We (Mom, Dad and I) decided that it is best to just buy furniture once I move rather than taking the few pieces that I have and renting a truck or trailer and driving it down.  I am not excited about having to buy all of this stuff, but I am excited about setting up my little home exactly how I want it.

One of the other great things is that being in Las Vegas, I will have lots of visitors.  Even if they don't stay with me, having friends who come down to the strip means that I will be (hopefully) be able to see them, even if it is only for a meal.  I loved living on the east coast, but it will be great to be closer to home and to be able to see family more than once per year.  I am also excited for the warm weather, but I doubt that I will be saying that in July or August!  I already know my schedule for the year (well the basic: which blocks do I have each month and when is my vacation).  I have so much to be grateful for, even if the year hasn't worked out the way that I had planned.  I am nervous to be moving to a new city without knowing a soul, but I know that everything will work out well because I've done it before.

I have really enjoyed being home with my family.  I love sleeping in, reading books for fun, cooking, knitting and spending time with family and friends. I tired to get a job for the spring, but between my limited time in town and the economy, I wasn't able to find anything.  I think that probably is for the best because I have had time to study and relax.

My residency is really going to be a new beginning for me.

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