Thursday, October 4, 2007

By George, I think I'm becoming a doctor!

Last Wednesday, I had a bad start to my day. I looked and looked and couldn’t find my keys. Since I have a roommate, I was off to class. However, I didn’t concentrate as well as I should have because I was wondering WHAT I could have DONE with those stupid keys. Once I finally got back in my apartment, I started looking and looking and looking. I emptied my bag, looked in the refrigerator, checked the cupboard, looked in my laundry, under the bed, between my books but I couldn’t find them anywhere. FINALLY, after another twenty minutes, I found them underneath a paper by my night stand. I must have looked right past them twenty times.
Well, I headed back to school for a review session and decided to grab a cup of coffee and some soup. I made my order then asked the man to stop. When I was cleaning out my bag looking for my keys, I left my wallet at home. The gentleman owns the little shop (with white hair and I’d guess is in his 60s) informed me that I was going to have my soup and coffee and that I would just bring him the cash in the morning. I told him it wasn’t necessary and he insisted that I take the meal. It isn’t often that people are that nice anymore.

Well, it’s been raining down here a TON! I mean by the buckets! It is still so strange to me; it is warm! If I walked to school in a real downpour (which is six blocks away), I’d look like I just took a shower. I’ve been awoken several times in the last week from the sound of raining and the lightening, which lightens up my room enough to read a book, even in the dark of night.
I was down at the health district today and I’m sure that I’m becoming a doctor. A woman came in with a todler who had been exposed to TB and had a positive skin test (meaning you have antibodies). I think I could have counseled the woman on the differences of having a positive skin test and being VERY sick from TB. I felt so proud. However, I also was a little afraid of the little, cute guy because he started coughing and TB particles can go up to 10 feet when someone infected coughs! So, if you have to take the public transportation anywhere, stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing because they have a ten foot -circumference surrounding them full of germs!!!

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