Sunday, April 13, 2008

Boneheads surround me....

Apparently, there are a group of boneheads in my class. There was some cheating on the first anatomy practical exam and we all paid the price: sequestration. It was like my own personal hell. It was so loud and people were getting nervous and passing the nervous around. I had in ear plugs and could still hear conversations all around me. It was horrible. If I was someone who got migraines, I would have had one. As if that wasn't a bad enough, we had a histology practical in the morning (when they said, the practical was only accumulative in regards to the new things we had learned--such as recognizing the skeletal muscle in the true vocal cords, well they misspoke and many of us didn't review as much as we would have if they would have said that it was actually cumulative in all respects). Anyway, Thursday was yucky!!!

One good thing about Thursday was that I found a yoga program on Fit T.V when I came home, so I did yoga, then walked on the beach at sunset. Farley came over after he took his anatomy exam, and uncharacteristically, was complaining about being sequestered (can't say I blame him as I'm complaining now). We ordered dinner in and watched T.V.

I thought I'd be back in the study game by Friday, no such luck. I thought I'd be back on Saturday...Well, I was by Saturday afternoon. Sometimes despite wanting to study, your mind says, "NO WAY." Anyway, I'm glad to have my focus back. Speaking of focus, I better get back to the books. I can't wait for the exams and studying to be over for a few weeks and to be on my way to St. Lucia. However, I found a cool chapter in my medical genetics book, so I might be taking my medical genetics book to St. Lucia---I guess that is why I'm going to medical school. If you don't LOVE medicine 365 days a year, becoming a doctor isn't the right profession.

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