Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Medical School is a pain in the neck

Now, I mean this literally: medical school is a pain in the neck. My neck REALLY hurts. We have an exam tomorrow and a final on Tuesday (we had two exams last Thursday and one the week before). I don't mind having so many exams, I just wish we had a ton of exams throughout the semester rather than a handful of big exams (all within a couple weeks nonetheless!). The one good thing about medical school (okay there are many amazing things about medical school, I'm just tired and cranky now): I can now name the muscles in my neck and back that hurt. Medical school is the whole package, you get knots in your neck you didn't know were possible and you name the muscles that must be causing the pain. I guess a girl can't ask for much more. I better get back to reviewing the Embryology of the cardiovascular system (our Embryology professor is an angel sent from God to teach us this difficult, yet amazing and interesting subject--I'm surprised anyone is born without a birth defect).

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