Friday, April 25, 2008

Most people get caught between a rock and a hard place, not a crab and four cows!

The semester is over and I'm glad we get some time to relax! I sequestered myself in my room for about 10 days...I'm nervous enough as it is, I don't need to talk to other people and get more nervous! We had our third big exam on the 17th and our final on the 22nd. I don't know how the final went, but I did great on the third exam (the class averages were the worst so far for the third exam--it was by far my best exam). Apparently, my hiding in my room paid off--I hope it worked for the final as well. Oh and desperate times call for desperate measures, I took a pen and write all of the cutaneous nerves on my legs and hands. I took some pictures of my feet and hands as well as my view from my room.
Here is a picture from my balcony. Yup, I have a million dollar view. I would study at my table on my balcony during my self imposed sequestering.

Below is the view from my desk at dusk. You can see the white railing, which is the railing to my balcony.

Below is a picture from my apartment door down the hallway to the sea. You can see the tops of the coconut trees at the end of the hallway. Those trees are about 10 feet from the high tide. Thus, my apartment is about 50-60 feet from the ocean (and three stories up).
Here is a picture from the end of the hallway, at sunset of course:

Since the exam, Farley and I have been hitting the gym like crazy people. I'm so sore! I also found fit TV in my room and they have yoga on several times a day, so I've been doing yoga as well (and I did it during my self sequestering). We've also hit the beach. What is the point of living on a Caribbean Island if you can't go to your black sand beach and relax. The campus and island is getting quiet as many people have left for the semester break, but we are just relaxing and enjoying our time here.
Above, a picture of Farley's favorite tree which is right on the ocean and on our hotel (apartment) property.

Above is a picture of the dock near my apartment. Looks a bit rickety, Hun?

The pelicans are all over the place, which is MUCH better than seagulls. I hate/fear seagulls and the wonderful island of Dominica doesn't seem to have any! From my balcony, I can watch the pelicans dive into the ocean and pick out fish. They are fierce hunters.

The rain forest meets the sea...and there is a little river comes running down to the sea. There are several little rivers running into the sea, but what is interesting is that some of them are hot springs and others are cool mountain water. You never know.
Farley was in the midst of the rain forest little river and took a picture of me walking toward the sea with our beach bag. He thinks it is the best picture ever, so I posted it for him.

Here I am in my "old lady" bathing suit. I don't care what anyone thinks, I love it! Below is Farley, looking good. We couldn't find anyone to take our picture together, so sad. We had walked down about a mile from our apartment in the water; this picture is taken about a mile south of our apartment looking north (toward our apartment).

On Tuesday night, we went out to dinner. We were taking the trail through campus and saw a huge crab. After navigating past the crab, we saw a blockage on the road: FOUR LARGE COWS. Usually the cows don't really get in the way, but they looked as if they meant business that night, so we had a decision to make: take on the cows or retreat and take on the crab again. After a quick analysis of the situation, we decided to retreat and take on the crab again. He was still there, so we meekly skirted the crab's territory, which he defended like a warrior. I have a shaky picture of the mean crab, he was so scary, we were shaking in our flip flops.

We leave for St. Lucia on Sunday morning. We both get seasick, yet we are taking the ferry. We have our motion sickness and we are ready to go. It should be a great fun time. We get to stay at a little hotel for three nights in the capital city and five nights at an all inclusive resort...that's right all inclusive means drinks too!! It is going to be so much fun to have a Caribbean cocktail or a glass of wine and sit on the white sand beach. I'll take LOTS of pictures--my camera is charged and ready to go.

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