Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bugfall at nightfall

Yesterday, I was attacked, but do not be alarmed. This attack is not as violent or horrific as you might be expecting: I was attacked by Caribbean Insects! They have infiltrated our study space and have been bombarding students like paparazzi on a teenage pop star. The majority of them were nats. I think they were coming in as people entered and exited the study space and I think these were genetically defects because they kept flopping down on the desks--all over. They landed dorsally (on their backs) and couldn't get flipped back over to fly off. I would push them onto the floor and magically they got back their bearing and would fly/walk around. It was as if they sky was falling nats--YUCK! I was having a great study session until both nightfall and bugfall started; however, it was difficult to stay focused with black aspects everywhere. I looked at Farley, and he seemed a bit perturbed, which I thought was due to me. I was wrong: an insect landed on his head! At that point, it was time for me to head home.

Upon arriving to my apartment, I quickly sprayed down with DEET. Although being at home means there are fewer ants/nats, it means a mosquito might get me. I also lit my Jamaican anti-mosquito lemon-grass candle to keep me safe. Well, I had a great end to my study night, hopped in the shower then reapplied my DEET: I didn't use enough. A feisty mosquito bit THROUGH my pajamas! Apparently I didn't spray my back side enough. This mosquito, or a friend, bit my armpit! ARMPIT! These insects are getting personal!

I took a couple pictures of the ocean at sunset from the study space, before all heck broke loose. You can see the same boat which is just a 50-100 feet from the shore at my apartment. I debated taking picture of the insects, but that memory is burned in my mind and I suspect you don't want to see it anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicole,

    Thanks for sharing your blog with me. I love the sunsets too! I think Dominica has beautiful sunsets..I never get tire looking at them! :) Tam
