Saturday, July 12, 2008

No rest for the weary

We have another exam on Monday. I can't believe that this semester will be over in about 5 weeks and I will be a second year medical student. When we started down here, I knew that we'd only have two or three weeks off between semesters for the first 20 months or so. I did not realize how tiring it would be. I knew it would be exhausting, but when you only get two weeks off and you spend the first week waiting for grades, you really don't get a break.

The mosquitoes are horrible right now. Apparently, I attract mosquitoes like a teeny-bobber pop-star attracts high school girls. I have an anti-itch liquid, "AfterBite: The Itch Erase" but it just perplexes me: why does ammonia make the itching stop? It does make the itching stop, only after making it sting. But it isn't on the exam, so I don't have the time to care right now!

I should get back to the books. If I keep taking a break, I'll try to jump in the ocean--it's a beautiful day!

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