Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall in Florida

Things are still going well down here in Florida. The strange thing about being south in the fall is that it doesn't get cold. It is the end of September and still in the 90s with a million percent humidity. One of the things I miss the most about the north, is the fall days. The crisp air, the colorful leaves and the autumn smells.

However, I can't really complain too much about Florida--I spent part of my "day off" from studying by the pool. Also, the cars are nice. We saw a Lotus today, which stood out in the sea of BMWs, Mercedes-Benzes, Audies, and porsches. Speaking of standing out, there is at least one Bentley that is in the neighborhood. It isn't too often one sees a car that is worth more than my medical school student loans or most people's house.

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