Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm getting into a groove...

Studying has been going better. I think I'm starting to get into a groove and getting the habit down. I know I posted a little about my 10-12 hours of study schedule before, but here is a little more detail about what my everyday life is like right now.

I wake up about 7:00am, put on make up, get "dressed" (usually into sweats), and enjoy some coffee and breakfast while reading the newspapers online (either on my laptop or on my I-pod). At about 8:00am, I start 100 questions in whatever subject I am studying. The USMLE is comprised of 7 blocks of 50 questions each so I do two blocks 6 days a week to get into the habit of taking 50 questions at a time. That takes me until approximately 10:00am at which point I get to correct all of those questions and review why I got them wrong or why I got them correct. At noon, I take a lunch break and actually get dressed. We leave for the Kaplan center at about 12:45 or so and the drive is 10-15 minutes. From about 1:00-5:00, I watch video lectures at the center and take copious notes. The videos are pretty good. My school videotaped the first two years of medical school so some people would watch the videos on line, but I never like it (it was helpful if you missed something or got sick though). These Kaplan videos are made for the sole purpose of students studying on their own, so they are better (in my opinion) than just watching a lecture from my medical school on video (since lectures at my medical school were intended for you to actually attend). Anyway, after we leave Kaplan at 5:00, we get to take a few hours off. Usually we head down to the gym for 30-40 minutes, shower, have dinner and maybe watch a t.v. show online (remember our giant t.v. and that we choose not to get cable). We are usually back to the books by 7:30ish. In the evenings, I try to review what I've covered in the videos at the Kaplan center and take the recall quizzes at the end of the chapters. I generally study until 10:00 or 10:30 and then try to be asleep by 11:00 so that I get a full 8 hours of sleep before doing it all again. This is my life six days a week.

On the seventh day, we "take the day off." That really means that we only study for 4 hours or so. I don't schedule anything and use this as my catch up day. This last week, I had way to much to do because I had a hard time focusing during my evenings study session (the 7:30pm-10:00pm). I was beginning to get worried that I'd never catch up, but in the last two days I've almost done it. I promised myself that I would put my studies first, especially while preparing for the boards, so since I was feeling so far behind this week, I didn't get to go down to the pool with Farley to relax in the Miami afternoon sun. Rather, I got to sit in front of my computer and books and read more about lipid synthesis and storage. This is one of those times that I reminded myself, that I have an "enviable opportunity to learn".

By the time Farley returned from the pool, he said that I looked as burnt out as I felt. We decided to get out of the house, so we went to Target. I've been wanting to get an apron since we returned to the USA, but I always forget to look. Well, it was my lucky day on Monday because Target was having an apron sale and I got one!! However, I didn't get my apron soon enough. Did you know that watermelon can stain clothes if you get the juices on you? I've cut a lot of watermelon this summer and I have two t-shirts that can attest to this fact. After Target, we headed to the grocery store and I got everything I needed for some almost homemade chicken pot pie (I didn't have time to make the dough so I used crescent rolls, but the rest was from scratch). I even had an excuse to use my apron on the first day!!

I think it is time I get back to my studies...It's 7:35pm!

I couldn't decided which picture to post. I like the top picture more, but in the bottom picture you can see the apron better. I love to cook and bake (and dislike laundry) so I think I'm a little more excited about an apron than most!

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