Saturday, August 29, 2009

We kept fairly busy for a "relaxing" day at home

Saturday, we all actually did sleep in! We had a light breakfast ( I only toasted bagels, whereas earlier in the week we had turkey bacon, eggs and bagels, homemade coffee cake and popovers). Then we watched a movie on demand, Cadillac Man, with Robin Williams and Tim Robbins. It wasn't Robin Williams best movie, but we still got a few laughs out of it. Dad summoned Farley to get out of the house as soon as the movie was done because Mom and I had some baking to do (Dad likes to pretend he doesn't know how to do anything in the kitchen so that we don't ask for his help. He is trying to teach Farley his sneaky ways of getting out of helping, but I already know that Farley know his way around a kitchen better than he wants me to believe). First I made the home made chocolate cake. I can never, ever pour the cakes evenly into the cake pans so I had to have mom help me with it (so the layers of the cake are approximately equal). Mom started on the rhubarb pie filling and I had to start the pie crust. Well, it was my lucky day because I managed to get the pie crusts rolled out perfectly for both pies. We put the pies in the over after the cakes finished cooking. Then I started the German Chocolate Cake Frosting (the pecan or walnut, coconut, and sugar frosting). Unfortunately, the bottom layer of my cake broke in half when I took it out of the pan! This gave me two options: make a new cake or find a way to cover the sides of the cake (German Chocolate Cake does not have frosting on the sides of the cake, only on the layers). Well, Farley and Dad wanted both German chocolate frosting and fudge frosting so I decided to make the fudge frosting for the sides. In the end, the cake and pies turned out beautiful--and they tasted even better! I didn't even think to take a picture for the blog, but they were beautiful.

After Mom and I finished baking (and the guys finished eating the extra frosting), we got ready for Mass. I really love the 7:30 pm mass on Sunday nights at St. Al's but we had a BBQ planned for Sunday night so we decided to go to the Saturday night mass. I haven't been to the 5:15 mass at St. Als since I was a student at Gonzaga University. The priest was the (relatively) new priest at Gonzaga Prep and I had never seen him before. He was wonderful. I really, really liked him. However, he like so many other priests, really can't sing and sometimes I just feel badly for them when they have to sing so much of the Eucharistic prayer. Also, it is interesting how different the music is at the 7:30 Sunday mass vs. the 5:15 Saturday mass. Obviously, the words to many of the songs are the same (since they are prayers although sometimes they are in Latin and others in English). However, the melody is completely different. It was very strange because I knew all of the words but I didn't know the melodies so I couldn't really sing along. After we left, I was talking to Farley about the 8-10 different Masses that are held on the Gonzaga University Campus every weekend. I mentioned that there is a Gregorian Chat Mass at Jesuit House at 5:00pm on Saturday that I've always wanted to attend, but that I've never gone. Farley asked me why we didn't just go to that mass since it is at the same time (and less than 200 feet apart). Oh well, I guess I'll go in November!

When we were driving to Mass, we noticed and joked about the huge line outside of the Red Lobster. When we drove by again, there were still people waiting outside to get into the Red Lobster. Dad and I started listing restaurants in the area that we would go to rather than Red Lobster (especially me since I'm allergic to shellfish). I mentioned The Mustard Seed and before you could blink , Mom declared "Let's go!". So she turned around and we headed to dinner. I just love their chicken teriyaki--Yummy!!

After we got home, it was time to change to go over to Bob and Kathy's house (our favorite neighbors). Bob has gone patio crazy and converted half of the back yard into a beautiful patio and he even made a beautiful fire pit (with the help of his brother-in-law who welded a tractor wheel into the metal base of the fire pit and made a grill to place over top of it). It was just a beautiful evening--just cool enough to feel nice next to the fire. I don't think sitting next to a fire at night would be as much fun in Miami as the temperature really doesn't really drop at night like it does in the north--heck in Miami it is still 88 degrees at midnight! Anyway, Bob has been promising me s'mores since I left for medical school and he delivered. It was SOOOO much fun!!

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