Monday, August 31, 2009

Let the Gastronomic Tour Continue, It's Time For Clinkerdaggers!

Our last day in Spokane arrived far too quickly. Farley and I decided to head out and look for some new headphones to use while taking our Kaplan Step 1 prep course (our lectures are on DVDs so we wanted something comfortable). We went to a few places in town and finally came across a good deal on exactly what we needed. We headed home so I could get changed and ready to go meet up with my friend Brenda. I can't believe that she agreed to meet up with us, as she is an RN who had been working the last three nights at the hospital (she works 12 hour shifts, so I'm sure she was exhausted). Also, we met at 1:00pm which was probably in the middle of her "night". Anyway, it was exciting to see her and hear about how she has been doing. I think she has been an RN for about two years now and it was nice to see how much fun she seems to be having now after gaining some experience. (Taking care of people is a stressful job and I think that gaining experience and confidence makes it a lot more fun than when one is first starting. I look forward to, years from now, when being a physician will be more fun because I'll have more experience and confidence).

We had one thing left to do in Spokane: Dinner at Clinkerdaggers! I rarely went to Clinkerdaggers before leaving for medical school, but now it seems that I go at least once every time I’m home. Mom and Dad’s 29th wedding anniversary is the 31st of August (and Farley and I had our 2nd anniversary on the 27th of August) so we decided a special dinner was deserved. As usual it was amazing. I could eat there all the time, except that I couldn’t afford to do so!! I was joking with Farley that I took him on a gastronomic tour of Spokane because we ate at so many different places. It is a good thing we walk around so much or I would have gained a million pounds!!

Here are some pictures from Clinkerdaggers and from our walk along the bridges on the north side of the Spokane River leading toward Riverfront Park.

Dad and Mom in the lobby at Clinkerdaggers:

Farley and me at the Clinkerdagger Lobby:

The view of the river from our table at Clinkerdagger:

Taken right outside of the Flour Mill (where Clinkerdagger's is located). We walked down to the bridge in the foreground:Below is a picture of Farley and me standing on the bridge, which connects the north side of Spokane to Canada Island in Riverfront Park

Picture, from the Bridge connecting the north side of Spokane to Canada Island in Riverfront Park, looking west

Another picture from the same bridge, looking east.

This picture is from the bridge connecting Canada Island to the South side of the Spokane River and the bulk of Riverfront Park.
Another picture from the same bridge as above, looking east toward the pavilion (the net like tent in the background) and the old downtown YMCA (brick building on the right side)
Another picture with the same view as above:

After dinner and our walk, we headed home to pack and have one last glass of wine with Bob and Kathy. It is amazing how quickly a week can go!

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