Saturday, June 6, 2009

Talk about a let down.....

After all the talk about "birthing" mannequin babies, they did even let us birth mannequin babies. We watched a video of a real doctor performing a real delivery then used the mannequins to get a 3D view of the process. Yeah, I'll admit I was disappointed. I was so looking forward to birthing that mannequin baby. Oh well.

I think the best station today was the needle room. We got to practice suturing on pig legs ... and stapling!! Then we got to practice giving IM (intramuscular) shots, in oranges as that is the typical way to practice. Next we learned how to start IVs, which was fun. I'm not sure if the mannequin was the best practice mannequin, but it seemed to be a high quality mannequin. After that, we got to use the IO (intra-ossious) lines on chicken legs. First we used the manual IOs, which I think, are exactly the same or very similar to the needles used for a bone marrow aspirate/biopsy. I got the bone on first try and, as expected on a healthy chicken, I was able to aspirate bone marrow. Then, they let us practice using the drill IO, which sounds like a power tool and spins right into the bone marrow. Apparently, they cause little or no pain, but I'm not signing up to find out first hand!

The rest of the day was fun. We learned to place foley catheters, scrub down for surgery, transport and place patients on backboards and we took both written and oral exams. Not a bad end to a week of classes. I think Farley and I are going to head to the gym, then maybe go out for dinner, or a movie or I'll finally challenge him in "dance, dance revolution."

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