Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You know what they say about payback...

On Monday night at our Medical Spanish class, Farley volunteered me to read the Spanish practice conversation in front of the class with him. I am not the most linguistic person and I am really not comfortable reading in Spanish so I was really annoyed that I had to get up in front of the class and practice my Spanish. Now Farley on the other hand, isn't quite fluent, but if you listen to his pronunciation, you might think he is fluent--as did the Argentines. Anyway, so there were were practicing the Spanish conversation in front of the whole class and I had to be corrected several times because my Spanish pronunciation isn't great. Oh did I mention it was videotaped?? Yeah, I wasn't very happy.

I'm sure you know what they say about payback.....

Our teacher did her Masters thesis on whether students retained the second language better if they were taught using music and songs or without. Research has shown that students learn and retain things better with song, so we sing throughout our Spanish class. On Wednesday night at our Medical Spanish class, we reviewed all the things we've learned and then we started practicing the body parts, such as "El oido" is the inner ear, "la rodilla" is the knee and "la frente" is the forehead. So after reviewing basic body parts, our teacher decided to teach us a song and dance. She grabbed someone from the audience and made him get up to dance and sing the song with her. This song was similar to "head, shoulders, knees and toes" but not quite the same thing. This guy obviously looked extremely uncomfortable. After that, she wanted "dos voluntarios" (two volunteers) to get up and dance for the class. I was looking at Farley trying to get him to volunteer but he wouldn't budge. Somehow she noticed that I was trying to get Farley up and so she volunteered me. She was looking for another volunteer, but I already found the other volunteer: Farley! Farley had to keep up his tough guy image and he acted as if he didn't want to dance in front of the entire Medical Spanish class, while being videotaped, but I knew the truth: he has dancing in his blood. As, I expected he was more than a good sport. He pointed to his ears with a purpose, did the hip shake with a purpose (his Salsa dancing background paid off) and he even dosy-doed with a purpose. In fact, we are still hearing about our amazing performance.

I told him I didn't want to practice my Spanish in front of the class and I was volunteered, but I think I paid him back by volunteering him to dance in front of the class. He would argue that I more than paid him back and that I should watch out because, you know what they say about payback.....

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