Thursday, June 25, 2009

Today was a good day...

So much has happened in the last two weeks of clinicals, but today takes the cake. We were at the bank on our lunch break and we had to assist a young, pregnant woman who was on the verge of losing consciousness, was numb, in extreme pain and had contractures. Next when we returned to the clinic, I got to perform my first pap-smear and Farley had a great time trying to understand a gentleman's extremely complicated cardiac condition. I don't want to complain too much, but the disorganization of this semester is getting exhausting and this was the first day in a long time that I'm really happy and excited I did decide to go into medicine. There will always be aspects of any job that one doesn't like, so it was nice to have such an exciting day. Today was a great reminder of why I wanted to be a doctor so badly that I moved to a 3rd world country and piled on enough student load debt to buy a huge house.

After our exam tomorrow, I'll write more about the last two weeks (and take a nap). We are 12 days into our 18 days in a row stretch of class and I'm really, really tired. Luckily, it looks like we have at least a three day weekend next week (it might be four days if class is cancelled Sunday the 5th). Farley and I haven't had 2 days off in a row all semester. It will be so nice, except that we have more papers to write and physical exam skills to practice. Oh well.

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