Saturday, January 12, 2008

White coats, hikes, black beaches ... oh my!

I'm surprised that I have enough energy to sit and write this entry. It has been a jammed packed few days and I'm guessing the first, and only the first, day of class may even feel like a break. We had registration on Thursday, which to no surprise, took up most of the day. We were running here, there and everywhere. If the Dominican people weren't so nice, I'd really be getting frustrated with this "island time, mon." However, I came to this place knowing that things happen sloooooowly and that I am going to have to wait. Overall, it hasn't been bad.

Friday, we had the end of orientation; at which time, we discussed in detail how we are choosing to enter a profession with higher ethical standards than the norm. If we know of any misbehaving, we have to report or they will make us walk the plank along with the misbehaving person(s). Nonetheless, it seems reasonable to me. It would be difficult to report someone and possibly end their career; so I'm hoping the misbehaving people stay away from me. In all seriousness, I think it would be easier to confront another physician who is, for example, drunk and going to see a patient than I think it is to turn in another medical student. When a patient is involved, there is a life at stake and I'm committing my life to caring for others. I guess having a strict honor code, for both yourself and your peers, during medical school is all part of the training.

The most breathtaking, exciting, and amazing thing of orientation happened on Friday afternoon: They gave me the books, lab coats, and doctor tools that I paid thousands of dollars for! I can now reasonably dress up as a doctor for Halloween next year. Let's be honest by next October, I'll know a lot of stuff but I'll be no where near ready to see patients. I can now look at my "doctor" picture as motivation for the next .... ten or eleven years of training. Someday, I'll be able to cure/save/help others! But for now, I'll settle for looking like an extra for "Grey's Anatomy."

After that excitement, how is one to spend a getting up at O-five hundred, walking to town to the fruit/veggie market and taking the bull by the horns (please see the picture of the bull, which lives on my walk to class who did not care to wake up that early and join us at the market). Farley and I decided to take this one and a half mile sunrise walk, but about every ten feet a bus would stop and ask us if we wanted a lift. Only in Miami have I been offered more rides; however, the gentleman offering in Miami were all eligible to be on an episode of Dateline's, "To Catch a Predator." Not the case in Dominica.

Upon arrival at the market, we started shopping like .... well like I do in Nordstrom. We were price checking, grabbing good deals, asking questions and befriending the merchants. I bought a bag of carrots, bag of green beans, 8 Valencia oranges (yummy), sorrel (the Caribbean's version of Cranberries) for a whopping $12.00 EC ... or $4.00 USD. Farley picked up bags of star fruit, grapefruit, tomatoes and finally passion fruit for $10.00 EC ... or about $3.50 USD. Next, we bought two yummy coconut muffin things (for $1.25 TOTAL) and I picked up a coral colored, sea shell bracelet for approximately $5.00 USD. As we walked back home with our thirty pounds of fruit and veggies, we felt the sweet satisfaction of a great deal. Note--please see the above picture and Farley's blog if you want a detailed description of the passion doesn't exact put me in the mood for passion:

We decided to have breakfast on my balcony, as the hotel only provided Farley with chairs on his balcony and I have a table and chairs. We were starring fondly at the Cabrits, which are the two "mountains" which are in our view. They are only about three miles away and it is free to enter the National Park if your a student at Ross University School of Medicine. Otherwise, it's about $2.00 EC or $0.60 USD...I love a deal!

It was SO much fun to walk up and around the "mountains" that we so fondly gaze upon while eating our breakfast. We hiked for probably 3 hours. Yes, that is the longest I've spent in nature in a LONG time. I was startled, scared, yet managed to keep my cool for 96% of the hike. We saw lizards, galliwasp, hermit crabs, ruins from the British military base, cannons, and AMAZING views of the Caribbean Sea. In one of my pictures, if you look REALLY close, you can see the neighboring island. I know... right now you don't feel too sorry for me and my 1,001 inset bites. I've been getting the nasty emails all week. But heck, you can come down anytime and enjoy the bites and view. The hospitable people of Dominica and I would welcome you with open arms.

After hiking, we decided to do a little more shopping. Actually, we were already in the bigger town and needed a few things so we stopped on our way home. You never know what your going to get in Dominica. For example, we wanted beach towels...simple right? Well, we only found Dominican Flag beach towels. I wasn't sure if it was insulting to the Dominican Flag to sit on it, but it was my only option so I hope I don't offend any of the good people of Dominica as they have treated me so well. Obviously, we HAD to try out our beach towels on the black sand beach just a few steps from our building (about five steps if you wanted to count). The Caribbean Sea was a bit cool today, but then again it is January. It was hot enough to swim underwater, so I guess it wasn't too cool. Again, your welcome to come and visit the BEAUTIFUL country of Dominica. The closest airport is Melville Hall... just an hour away though winding, blind curves: it's a Dramamine filled drive.

After that, we watched a rain storm, looked at the double rainbow, and started writing our blog entries. Next, I think Farley and I are going to grab a bite to eat and try the Dominican rum. We are going on a ten hour island tour tomorrow (I'll again be taking Dramamine). It should be GREAT! It was suppose to be today, but I guess it is okay that it got moved. We had just about the perfect day today. We start classes on Monday, which I'm excited and nervous about. But, starting every semester is a little nerve wreaking when you want to do your best!


  1. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.

  2. Nicole, upon admiring your "Grey's Anatomy extra" attire, I happened to notice some sort of a ring like object on your Left Hand???? Is there some sort of a symbolic meaning behind this???? or is it just a fashionable piece of jewelry???? ~ Crystal
