Tuesday, November 25, 2008

And I thought MY exam was funny....

After speaking to my peers, I realized that as humorous my examination of the physical exam was, other people had more humorous situations. How about the student with the heavy accent who repeated her patent's name as "Pepsi" rather than "Patsy," the patient who started to fall asleep during the exam (excuse me miss, could you please say "99" each time my stethoscope touches your back....zzzzzzzz), or the patient who refused to follow directions (sorry Farley, that was your patient). My favorite was from Farley's exam. When conducting a general survey, the medical practitioner must comment on weight and BMI. Apparently the student in Farley's group made a comment that the patient was obese and she went from dazing off into space to glaring at him for the rest of the exam. Farley also said that she was VERY obese. I think it isn't the most kind thing to point out someone's weight in front of a group of white-coat-wearing-students, but we have to do it. The thought of this woman glaring at the student, like it was his fault, just makes me chuckle.

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