Friday, November 7, 2008

It's okay

I stopped trying to guess how an exam goes. It is just too difficult. However, when I left on Monday, I thought I probably did absolutely horrible in Microbiology. I was bracing myself for the worst---it didn't happen. Going into the exam, I thought I was extremely prepared, but the questions were very strange (by strange, I mean difficult to interpret what is being asked) and the questions didn't reflect what was stressed in class (I hate it when they ask a minute detail mentioned in passing, considering that we get 1.5 questions per hour of class. To give you an idea of how much information is taught in an hour of class, it isn't unusual to have 80 pages of a medical text book covered in one hour and those textbooks are thick.) Anyway, I wasn't 100% please with how I did on the exam (but I doubt any of my classmates are either). Actually, I did pretty amazing in Behavior Science and Pathology and Microbiology and Pharmacology were okay. The great thing about medicine is the repetition. By the time I'm responsible for any of this information and a patient at the same time, I will probably see it at least one if not two more times (oh and there will be an attending and probably a senior resident to double check me). The medical profession knows that there is a mountain of information to learn and not enough hours in day--so we repeat, repeat and repeat.

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