Sunday, November 2, 2008

I only have a studio--no room for roommates, large lizard in my window!!

Remember Leo the Lizard?? I posed about him last August in Miami? Well, today, Farley had to save me from his great, great, grandfather! I was minding my own business at my little desk and I had the erie feeling that someone was looking at me. I looked at my window seal and there was about a 5.5 inch lizard. I thought he might be dead--then he blinked. I calmly stood up and marched to Farley's house. Farley, in his manly way, staggered over, took one looked at the lizard and declared him "a grandfather lizard." We both though he looked sick, that was, until Farley poked him with a pen. This time I didn't manage to walk slowly out of the room, I ran. Farley kindly pointed out that running, screaming, from the lizard doesn't help the situation. If Farley knows one thing, it is how to keep his cool---maybe he will be a trauma surgeon (I like to joke that his future career path changes each time we learn something new because he likes most of it so much).

At this point in operation lizard removal, I called maintenance; however, they were all on vacation (remember the five day weekend??) They were going to send up the gal at the desk or the housekeeper (who is probably 65). Well, my manly Farley wasn't going to stand for that! He sent me to his house to get some gloves then promptly stood on the desk and negotiated the lizard into the corner. Then he grabbed the little guy and took him outside. I took a picture of him. Farley wanted me to zoom more in on the little guy, but he tried to bite Farley. Well, lets just say our little lizard when on a little trip to the grass below my apartment complex. Don't worry about the little guy, he landed in the grass. Besides, remember when I told you about the giant lizard that fell off the landing and landed on the cement---he was fine.

Well this lizard got into my apartment via a screen that had been broken (and reported to maintence) three weeks earlier. I was a little too busy studying to be a doctor to follow up and well, I paied the price. Good thing my hero was around to keep me safe!!

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