Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's the MOST wonderful time of the year....

Despite having 50% of my grade on the line, in way, this is my favorite time of the semester.
Don't get me wrong, I do NOT like all of the pressure of the last two weeks; geeze, we've had 13 weeks of classes and they decide, every semester, to make the last 2 weeks worth at least half our grade. I have no idea how they schedule exams or grading at U.S. Medical Schools, so I can't complain too much and I'm getting used to it. Besides, I don't have time to whine, too much studying to do. Which brings me back to why this is the BEST time of the semester: NO CLASSES. We had our last classes on Tuesday (well most of us did, one of us was home sick all day feeling sorry for herself). That means that we have over two weeks to study for four exams. It is like an early Christmas present. Last semester we had 10 exams in 14 days, this time I've got 4 exams in about 17 days....much better. I GET to wake up every morning and study for hours and hours without the distraction of class. It is so nice. I am back to being a lean mean study machine (that might have had to do with sleeping for over 18 hours on Tuesday, but I'm not a doctor yet so I can't have an official opinion regarding health unless I run it past an attending). Anyway, I just hope the next couple weeks go well and then BAMB, I'll be home!!!

Then it will really be the most wonderful time of the year: Christmas. There is one fake Christmas tree down here and the lights sing "jingle bells" but it isn't the same as watching the snow falling while sitting around a fireplace and drinking hot chocolate in the Great Northwest with friends and family. Speaking of the Great Northwest, here are a few pictures from last year when Farley came to visit and we went to Walla Walla:

Oh, and this one is from outside of Clinks! I love Clinks almost as much as the Davenport!! I shouldn't get started or I'll start listing all of the resturants and places that I love at home.

But in Dominica, it is still sunny and 88 degrees with a 30% chance of showers--everyday. Yup, it is lovely. I fully intend on going either to the beach or the pool (or both) after my exams are completed. Here is a recent picture of the Caribbean Sea with a palm tree frame:

Christmas isn't quite Christmas unless it is cold. See you soon!!!


  1. Yay...soon is good. We should go get some hot coco or eggnog too! That sounds yummy!

  2. YEA!! I am so excited I might burst! I can't wait to get home and visit everyone. I didn't actually think I'd be gone for a whole year, but after I finish next semester I'll probably be back in the US and then it will be much easier (and cheaper) to get home!

    I'm so excited about getting back North that I've been reading knitting blogs as a study break. SO excited!!!
