Tuesday, April 20, 2010


When we left the hospital last night, Dr. Hardcore told us, "Don't call me at 8:00, don't call me at 9:00, maybe call me at 10:00" so Farley and I decided to go to the hospital to go to the hospital at 10:00 and round on the patients. We rounded then we ran over to Labor and Delivery. It was my turn to deliver the baby. As usual, it was a baby girl. I just don't help deliver a baby unless it is a baby girl! Anyway, this mom did a great job pushing. I had just put my hand at the base of the baby's neck/top of the shoulders then in one push the baby was out. She almost flew! It was another healthy, happy, baby girl!

Since Dr. Hardcore had a very late night Thursday night (he admitted a few patient's after he sent us home at 12:30), he headed to his office to take a nap. We went to lunch at the cafeteria and we sat in a courtyard gardens. In addition to Farley and I, there is a fourth year medical student doing her sub-internship and a P.A. student in this rotation. Luckily, we all get along really well and have a great time. It has made our down time so much more enjoyable. So after lunch, we headed to the labor and delivery unit to wait for some action. We offered to place IVs, draw blood and put in foley catheters, but they didn't need any help so we sat in the wheel chairs in the corner and tried to stay out of the way.

All of the sudden, there was extreme tension in the air. A Mom arrived in antepartum who didn't appear to have a fetal heart rate. Luckily, upon placing the internal fetal monitor, the baby did have a heart rate, but it was extremely slow. They needed to do an emergency c-section and the on-call doctor was in route, but not arriving fast enough (I presume it was due to stupid Miami traffic). Anyway, Dr. Hardcore was close by and he rushed into the OR. The nurse manager asked us not to go into the OR so we waited outside by the doors watching patiently. It looked like an episode of ER. Dr. Hardcore came out of the OR smiling and laughing then asked why we didn't come in and informed us that he is the only person who can kick us out of the OR. Anyway, Mom and Baby were okay. The baby came out screaming, but some of his labs were a little off so they were going to monitor him. Thankfully, it all ended well.

Next, we headed into another room for another vaginal delivery. It was a healthy baby boy. Then right after that it was time for another vaginal delivery, which was another baby boy. Then it was time for another c-section. This time it was Farley's turn.

This mom had a previous c-section so there was no emergency in this delivery. Farley asked Dr. Hardcore if he could stitch. Farley did a great job suturing. So great in fact that Dr. Hardcore was talking about how impressed he was with Farley's command of the suturing equipment.

Then, I got to type a note for the doctor because he needed it fast and he can't type before we were dismissed for the week. We wanted to come in this weekend, but the doctor is suppose to have a couple of other medical students who are suppose to be with him over the weekends and they haven't come in yet.

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