Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I have never been a jogger/runner in my life; in fact, I really dislike jogging. Farley loves to go running and has been trying to get me to go running with him for years now. I finally gave in a couple weeks ago. It agitates my exercise induced asthma, which in turn, agitates me. Nonetheless, Farley and I have gone jogging three or four times per week and running three to three and a half miles each time. It is rather funny because my sprint is his normal running pace. He is being a really good sport and going slow so that I can keep up/breathe. He is also very encouraging--I would have given up without his support. I am getting a bit faster, but my asthma is still bothering me. It is such a strange feeling because my body wants to keep going, but I cannot get the air out when I am breathing (Asthma is considered a reversible obstructive breathing disease. It you work out so that you are breathing hard, then try to catch your breath breathing out of a straw, you would get the idea of what I feel like. Luckily, asthma is reversible unlike patients with COPD, which is not reversible.). Living on South Beach and just being a half block from the Miami Beach boardwalk is the only reason I agreed to try jogging. We don't have much time to just go sit out on the beach, so this way I get to work out and enjoy living on one of the most famous beaches in the world.

This is the view to the East, while we are jogging.
This is the boardwalk that I am jogging on. I guess I can't complain too much!

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