Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Now, you are an Obstetrician"

We were not sure what time to arrive at the hospital, so we decided to arrive about 9:30 and round on Mother Baby. We finished about 11:30 and headed over to Labor and Delivery. None of Dr. Hardcore's patients were anywhere near delivering, so we decided to head downstairs to get coffee. The PA student and I really wanted to go off the hospital campus for lunch so about 12:00, we headed to Pollo Tropical, which is a chain of restaurants that serves Caribbean influenced chicken, rice, beans, veggies and deserts. It was yummy! We got a call saying that Dr. Hardcore was in route and we needed to hurry. We got back to the hospital in about 20 minutes and we beat him back. After Dr. Hardcore arrived, we rounded on his patients in Labor and Delivery and he had to break a few membranes (aka broke the patent's water). Then we headed over to the office for a few hours. I saw some obstetrics patients and I saw some gynecology patients. I think we were seeing patients until 8:00 or 8:30. We hung out at the office until about 10:00 before heading back to Labor and Delivery.

After arriving at labor and delivery, we check on the patients with Dr. Hardcore. Then about 10:30, we thought that a patient was ready to delivery. All of the students were in the room because we wanted to be ready for when Dr. Hardcore arrived. The Mom was dilated to 10, 100% effaced, but still at a 0 or -1 station. The nurses were trying to get her to push the little boy down station -3, but she just didn't have it in her. They gave her another 30 minutes and thankfully, she was ready to push. The epidural didn't seem to relieve her pain enough and she was having a hard time with the delivery. I don't think she wanted to push, but she did it. Farley was helping to delivery this baby and this Mom was a bit of a challenge. Unfortunately, she had a tear and Dr. Hardcore and Farley had to suture her up. She did NOT want to be sutured, despite having an epidural and local anesthesia to alleviate the pain. She kept pushing Farley and the 4th year medical student had to grab her hands to keep her from hitting him while he was suturing her. Dr. Hardcore even had to stop and talk to her. She did not want to be sutured, which I do not understand at all. I understand she had some pain, but she was given two types of anesthesia. But then again, she couldn't see how her vagina looked and maybe she didn't the consequences if she didn't have her vagina repaired properly the first time. That is just not a lingering problem you want to have.

At 11:30 after the delivery, Dr. Hardcore let us into the doctor lounge and told us to get comfortable. That should have been a sign. We waited until about 1:30 when the action started again. I got to help deliver another baby. This was a special baby, as she was conceived via in vitro fertilization. It was also one of Dr. Hardcore's favorite patent's so I didn't get to actually deliver the baby but I did delivery the placenta and massaged the uterus after the delivery. After the delivery, Dr. Hardcore had to run to the next room and deliver another baby. Dr. Hardcore returned and we needed to stitch the patient because she had a small rip. I helped him stitch and honestly, it was more nerve wreaking than stitching in the OR.

After those deliveries, we were playing the waiting again. There was one patient who was dilated to 8 and was 80% effaced. We thought the delivery would happen relatively quickly: We were wrong. At 3:00 am, I decided that I was cold so I headed back to the doctor's lounge and watched the Cosby Show under a blanket. At 4:00, I headed back out to see what was going on, which was nothing. At 4:30, I decided to try to sleep. I had a hard time falling asleep, but I think I slept for about 40-60 minutes. At 6:00, Farley came and woke me and the PA student up: the Mom we were waiting for was having a c-section. As the preparations started, we debated who would assist. It was the PA student's turn, but she didn't want to. That made it my turn. We talked her into assisting and I think she was glad we did. The surgery didn't start until after 7:00. The PA student did a good job stitching and was excited that she did stay all night for this surgery. At the end of the surgery, Dr. Hardcore looked over to Farley, the 4th year medical student and I and said, "Now, you are Obstetricians."

We left the hospital about 8:30 am. It was a long day and I really didn't expect it, but it was a good day. Thankfully, Dr. Hardcore told us to take Tuesday off and not to report until Wednesday afternoon. I slept most of the day and I am ready to sleep again. I was probably should have gone to bed an hour or two ago, but I didn't want to wake up at 3:00am and not be able to get back to sleep.

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